How To Manifest Your Dreams

Hey guys! I hope you’re all staying safe & healthy during these times. I’m sending everyone lots of love and light! Today I wanted to talk about manifestation, following your dreams and passions, and finding the light even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

I think it’s super easy to get bogged down right now by all of the craziness happening in the world, because duh. This is heavy stuff! If I can find one light in all of this darkness, it’s this: we have time that we didn’t have before. Am I right?

I think time is one of those things that we use as an excuse to not follow our dreams. “I would love to start my own business, but I don’t have the time.” “I’ve always wanted to take up that fun hobby but I don’t have the time.” Time. It’s a powerful thing that truly controls our lives, especially when we feel like we’re lacking in it. The one (and probably only) thing Coronavirus has blessed us with is a little extra time on our hands. What will you do with yours?

I have so many dreams for my life, and lately I’ve had extra time to think about them. I’m someone who’s always felt a bit lost in life, whether that be with my career, where I live or my relationships. I’ve had all of this extra time to reflect on my life, my goals and what I want. After listening to the Manifestation Babe podcast (I love her!!) per her recommendation, I watched the movie The Secret the other night (it’s on YouTube for free here) and I feel like it helped me so much to get clear on my life and be unafraid to be myself and pursue my interests. And then The Secret got me into manifestation!

My podcast this week is all about manifesting your dreams in life. Whether it be love, career, health, or some other path on your life’s journey, we as humans are actually capable of manifesting whatever we want into our physical reality. It sounds crazy, but it really does work. I have subconsciously manifested so many things in my life, I wonder what it would be like to actually consciously and actively choose to manifest something! I’ve decided that I want to manifest my dream life all around. I’m not sure how that looks yet, but I’m working on doing meditations daily and visualizing myself in different dream scenarios. There’s actually a free guided meditation that I lead on my podcast Saturday Night Liv Podcast that I would love for you to listen to.

Anyways, I would love if you gave the podcast a listen, but I will make future blog posts and podcasts on manifesting specific things in the future too and I would love your feedback. Much love and light to everyone out there and I hope you’re staying safe!

Saturday Night Liv Podcast: How To Manifest Your Dreams Hosted By Olivia Lagaly

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Olivia Lagaly

New to the blogging world, looking to make some blogging connections so follow me and I will follow back :) Focusing on lifestyle and positivity!

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